I had no idea how Halloween was going to pan out here in Korea, knowing it's not a widely celebrated holiday but it certainly turned out to be a huge event! A local bar here in Jeonju has an annual Halloween party that is pretty popular amongst the foreign people here. Little did I know it was also very popular amongst the Koreans as well! I didn't really know what I was going to dress up as. Luckily there is a party/costume store up the street from me and I decided to take a gander to see what they had available. As soon as I spotted the fake ears and the "nerd glasses" I knew what I wanted to be! Not only was going as a nerd financially friendly but it was a huge hit! Little did I know that I'm a pretty damn good nerd....(please keep all comments to yourself). My good friend Shay had told me ahead of time that he was going as Mr. Bean but I had no idea how funny his costume would be. Shay had the mannerisms down to a T and the mask, well as you can see is absolutely hilarious! Jay, the guy, well woman in the other picture is another friend of mine and when I saw him walking up in his costume I honestly had to ask myself, "who's this girl" and Jay is not a really attractive gentleman. He pulled that costume off amazingly well. Steve decided to go as Wolverine from X-Men and he nailed that one too. He cut his beard and made some fake claws out of chop-sticks and silver tape and it came together really well. We all had a blast and it was a great week!!!

My birthday was a great time had by all. Unfortunately it was on a Sunday this year but that didn't stop the festivities from taking place. I honestly wasn't planning on doing a whole lot for my birthday. Just hanging out with some friends, having some drinks, and relaxing would have been fine with me. I'm not the type of person who openly announces that my birthday is coming up. I find that to be a bit corny but the morning of my birthday I got a phone call from one of my Korean friends named Takyung. She's the same woman who organized the Korean cultural day, took a bunch of us to a Buddhist temple, and just an all around very nice woman. She called and said, "so what's going on for your birthday?" I had mentioned to her that I really wasn't planning anything and just wanted to have a nice relaxing Sunday. She quickly followed that up with "that's ridiculous and not going to happen. Where's a restaurant that you've wanted to go to and haven't been to yet?" I knew there was a TGI Friday's here and that's the first thing that came to mind. The next thing I knew she was on the phone and texting all of our friends letting them know to be at TGIF's at 8pm for my birthday. I was extremely flattered and it really turned out to be a great time. Everyone slowly showed up but we all had a great chat around the table. The Korean "birthday song" is legendary! As you will see in the video below, they really go all out for their celebrations! We liked them so much that we insisted they play an encore! The cakes here in Korea are unbelievable!! As you can see in the picture, not only does it look delicious but it tastes even better. I don't know how they do it, and I'm not normally a fan of cake, but I LOVE the cakes here in Korea. I also want to thank Mrs. Doris Wells, a wonderful woman from my church back home in Orlando, for donating flowers to the church in honor of my birthday. My mom sent me the bulletin for that Sunday and printed in there was this information. I was very flattered and I really appreciate the thought to donate a great gift. Thank you Mrs. Wells!!