This past weekend was yet another weekend to remember here in Korea. It seems like every couple of weeks some city in Korea is having a huge festival and this time it was Boyeoung's turn!!! At first I was not planning on heading to the festival but after looking at the website from last years event I quickly changed my mind. It took us about an hour to get to Boyeoung and because all of the buses out of Jeonju were booked, we decided to jump in a taxi and head out. It cost us about 20,000 won each (about $15). Upon arrival I started to see what I was in store for for the next day slash night slash next morning. We walked around looking for a hotel or motel or box; really anything we could put our stuff in and sleep in. We wound up finding a hotel room with no bed (which by the way is a normal here in Korea). We chose to stay there because we could cram more people in the room with no you can see below.
After throwing our stuff in the room and heading out to the festival we decided to grab a few brewskies (only a few as manageable drinking is responsible drinking). That was my disclosure for everyone! We walked down to the beach and found it completely packed with at least 10,000 people as far as you could see. We moved our way over to the "Mud Massage Yourself" area. It's an area where you can voluntarily or involuntarily, whichever way you choose, to paint yourself in mud. We noticed there was a large crowd gathering near so we ventured over to see what was happening and noticed it was a mud wrestling competition. Needless to say, I got involved. Some Korean guy pointed at me and asked me if I wanted to wrestle and I figured WHY NOT!? In a matter of 30 seconds I slammed him into the ground twice to win the match. He thanked me for playing along and bought me a beer! Throughout the day we ventured around and played some more mud games and repainted ourselves numerous times. Around 10 at night the skies opened and while the rain came pouring down there was an amazing fire works display taking place. I was exhausted and decided to just head home. In the morning we wanted to get an early start on the day but the weather was just as bad as the night before. We attempted to go out and get something to eat but after getting poured on and wind whipping around, I decided to head back home. All in all it was an amazing weekend with great friends and here are some pictures to prove it all happened :)