*** The first set of pictures where I'm in black are from a birthday party we performed at and the pictures where I'm in white are from the Rock Lottery.
The Rock Lottery was a HUGE hit for the band. We had been practicing for about 3 weeks up the that point with some weeks consisting of three practices. By the time the night came around for us to actually get up and perform in front of people, we knew we were ready! There were more bands there then we had originally expected; which was fine by me as it's always good to see more of the competition when you get the chance. Our band decided on the name of "She and Namja". Namja is Korean for "man" and since we have one woman in our band, she would be "she" and the rest of us would be namja. It has a certain ring to it and it's grown on us as a whole. Well we were picked to go last in the competition because the person who was running it had heard us previously and knew we were one of the best bands there and wanted us to finish up the night. There were 2 Korea bands that played and one of them covered quite a few Metallica songs and did a fairly decent job in doing so. I was very surprised by their abilities. The room we played in was packed as you can see in the picture. I definitely have to admit that when I got on stage and saw the number of people that were actually there, I did get a bit anxious and nervous but overly more excited than anything! We played 6 songs in total as we were only given 30 minutes to perform our set. The songs we performed were "When I Come Around" by Greenday, "Shimer" by Fuel, "Creep" by Radiohead, "You Really Got me Going" by The Kinks, "Say It Ain't So" by Weezer, and "7 Nation Army" by The White Stripes. The place was going crazy for us and I have to admit, it was a rush and I can definitely see why bands continue to tour until they nearly dead in the ground. We were only playing in front of 100 or so people, not thousands at any given time.
Ok so I need to explain as to what exactly happened on the birthday in which we performed. The Rock Lottery took place on the 19th and we wound up playing again this past Friday, the 25th. I had just finished work and went home to change to head out with some friends as we normally do on a Friday night when I received a text from one of the band members that said "be at 2B1 in an hour, we're playing!". I was certainly a bit confused but grabbed my drum sticks and headed out! We showed up to the bar and there were maybe 15 people there and it was certain let down from the previous weekends crowd. Within a matter of 5 minutes the entire place was filled with people! Those nerves decided to visit again but a cold beer was all I needed to fight them off. We performed the same set as we did the weekend before with the same crowd reaction. 2B1 is known for being a place with "open mic" many nights of the week. There were some other musicians there and one of the groups asked me to come up and play the bongos for them, hence the pictures of me and bongos. We had a really fun time night.
I was contacted yesterday on Facebook by a person who writes for an English magazine from Seoul and she wanted to know the name of the band, the members, and if we'd be interested in performing in a Battle of the Bands competition soon. I couldn't believe that she was contacting me from a magazine about our little ole band but we'll see where this takes us! More to come on the band as we're planning a HUGE Halloween party/show and this Battle will be interesting as well!!!